Education is the best provision for old age. -Aristotle

The quote I titled the article with is one of many that you will see in Civilization 5. This is a strategy style video game, that is based on controlling a civilization and bringing it forward through time in a fight against other players. I really enjoy the way the game integrates some real history into the game. Creating a game that has a large root in history can be tough but I enjoyed how the most historical aspects of the game were accompanied by additional contextual content. During game play if you research a new technology or build a wonder, then a content box will appear offering additional insight into the area that you have acquired for your civilization. Aristotle’s quote appears in the game when you research the technology “education”. I understand that this seems convoluted in some way, but the game uses education as nomenclature for advanced studies like those of a university. The quotes and accompanying text allows you to learn from the game. By no means would I substitute that game for actual study but I have enjoyed reading these when they appear in the game. I would highly recommend the game to people who enjoy turn based strategy. A few of my other favorites from the game:

“There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.” -Socrates


“He who destroys a good book kills reason itself” – John Milton


“Wisdom and virtue are like the two wheels of a cart” -Japanese Proverb

“Instrumental or mechanical science is the noblest and, above all others, the most useful.” Leonardo da Vinci

If you wish to read some more here is the list of technologies you can click to read their quote:

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